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For information on Intrum’s ongoing recapitalisation transaction and access to the Swedish reorganisation plan, click here
The economic situation has forced consumers to confront their spending. While curbing a take away coffee habit isn’t enough to offset the rise in prices, are we changing our behaviour for the long term?
Black Friday is the biggest shopping event of the year. Sometimes, it seems like nothing can stop us from spending. How can we resist when surrounded by so many deals?
As consumers struggle to control their finances in a high inflation and interest rate environment, evidence suggests attitudes to late payment are shifting.
European consumers are living month to month, with many having worked through their savings buffers and struggling to make ends meet in the difficult economic climate.
When it comes to improving consumer outcomes, raising levels of financial literacy could have a substantial effect on financial management and wellbeing.
Social norms around payments are changing as consumers struggle to pay their bills, according to the latest research by credit management group Intrum.
Ethical collection practices are crucial not only in facilitating individuals' reintegration into the financial system but also in contributing to the overall health of the economy.
Many people have been falling back on their savings to keep afloat in difficult financial times. With savings pots depleted, rebuilding these buffers is needed to protect them from future shocks.
Economic differences across Europe are reflected in non-performing loan volumes, with southern Europe harder hit than the north. However, banks may still be vulnerable to new waves of NPLs.