Rekapitaliseringstransaktion/Recapitalisation transaction 

För information om Intrums pågående rekapitaliseringstransaktion och tillgång till den svenska rekonstruktionsplanen, klicka här

For information on Intrum’s ongoing recapitalisation transaction and access to the Swedish reorganisation plan, click here


Our sustainability strategy

As a major provider of credit management services, Intrum plays an important role in the financial ecosystem. We aim to create sustainable economic conditions for people and businesses, leading the way to a sound economy and benefiting society as a whole.

Three pillars guiding our efforts

Our strategic efforts are guided by three core pillars: enabling sustainable payments, being trusted and respected, and growing by making a difference. Recognising our responsibility to lead in sustainable credit management, we have embedded these pillars into our operations. They align with the UN Global Compact’s 10 principles, which Intrum has proudly supported since 2016.

Intrum’s sustainability strategy

Enabling sustainable payments

Our focus includes ethical debt collection practices, responsible client and portfolio selection, and creating value through sound financial solutions that address the needs of businesses awaiting payment. By promoting fair payment terms between companies, enhancing financial literacy through targeted initiatives, and upholding strong governance policies, we aim to contribute to a more inclusive and sustainable economy.

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Being trusted and respected

Our vision is to be trusted and respected by everyone who provides and receives credit. We work toward that vision by building trust through efforts in key areas such as anti-corruption, strong data security, responsible value chain management, and reducing our environmental footprint. By fostering transparent partnerships and maintaining open dialogue with decision-makers and organisations, we aim to strengthen our role as a reliable and ethical partner in the credit ecosystem.

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Growing by making a difference

Our ambition is to foster a diverse and inclusive workplace that attracts and retains talent while prioritising employee well-being. As market leaders in revenue, geographical reach, and workforce size, we strive to offer a meaningful and stimulating workplace, aiming to be the most attractive employer in our sector. Our leadership position enables us to drive the industry towards more ethical practices, creating value for both our employees and the organisation.

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We are creating sustainable economic conditions for people and businesses

Contact person


Vanessa Söderberg

Global Sustainability Director
