Rekapitaliseringstransaktion/Recapitalisation transaction 

För information om Intrums pågående rekapitaliseringstransaktion och tillgång till den svenska rekonstruktionsplanen, klicka här

For information on Intrum’s ongoing recapitalisation transaction and access to the Swedish reorganisation plan, click here


Intrum - "We don't make money from people in debt - but from people paying off their debts."

Meeting people in debt, listening with empathy and then helping them back to a healthy economy. That is everyday business for the debt collection company Intrum. - Our mission is to help our clients get paid by helping their customers to be able to pay. It is only when people get their finances in order that we have reached our goal, says Pia Bach Jensen, Global Front Office Director at Intrum.

Pia Bach Jensen
Pia Bach Jensen, Global Front Office Director

If you, like Pia Bach Jensen Global Front Office Director at Intrum, work at a debt collection company, you have to face a lot of prejudice from other people. 

- Many people think that we just want to benefit on others, or that we do anything to draw in money for our customers, who are also our clients. But our mission is about seeing both sides of the story and helping the parties to a sustainable solution, both creditors and those who have difficulty paying. We can only get there if we act and treat everyone with dignity, respect and empathy.

The goal - a healthy economy

Because the reality is that Intrum doesn't make money from people having debts, but from people being able to pay them off.

- For us, the goal is what we call a healthy economy, where our clients get paid and people who have debt can pay it off and move forward in life. It is only then that it becomes a win-win situation for both parties.

The first step in being able to help someone is to listen to what their situation looks like.

- There are debt collection cases that arise due to carelessness or ignorance, but often people we meet have a debt because something big has happened in their life, for example, illness, divorce or death.

Intrum's role  is to help break that spiral. To listen, see the big picture, find the possibilities and, for example, make suggestions for an instalment plan that actually feels manageable for the individual.

- It is only then that the person who needs the help finds motivation and their own driving force for change.

Building relationships

To get there, it is central to create clarity and trust.

- We spend a lot of time building relationships so that the person we help gains confidence in his case manager. Paying off a large amount of money is not something you do in a week, but it requires both time and patience, and a long-term sustainable plan.

And in the end, it often leads to positive feedback from the customer.

- We always do a survey after the case is closed and ask what people think of how we treat our customers. What we usually encounter is positive reactions and appreciation of how we have carried out our mission. It is noticeable that we make a positive difference in people's lives. That's why my colleagues and I go to work with pride every day.