Rekapitaliseringstransaktion/Recapitalisation transaction 

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For information on Intrum’s ongoing recapitalisation transaction and access to the Swedish reorganisation plan, click here


Our goal is to be best-in-class for our customers

Every day, we have more than 250,000 interactions with indebted individuals. We know from experience that empathy and actively listening are key to finding sustainable solutions and helping people regain control of their finances. In 2022, we took our customer dialogue to the next level and launched a global, harmonised customer survey.

An interview with Intrum’s Global Front Office Director, Pia Bach Jensen.

Pia Bach Jensen, Global Front Office Director at Intrum
Pia Bach Jensen, Global Front Office Director at Intrum

After several pilot surveys were conducted in 2021, the new survey was rolled out in 18 countries in 2022. How does the customer survey work in practice? 

“The format of the survey is actually very simple and it is easy to use. When a customer is in contact with an Intrum agent, they are asked if they would like to participate in our survey. Four questions are then sent out by text message. The questions cover several areas and there are also open questions where customers can make suggestions on how we can improve our services. Customer feedback is extremely valuable for us to improve our operations.” 

What are the results and conclusions of the survey to date? 

“The questions are scored on a scale of one to five. The total average score for the year was 4.2. It’s interesting to note that satisfaction levels and the perception of Intrum as a value-driven company are consistent across Europe, despite geographical, cultural and regulatory differences. Although the average score is higher than we expected, we remain keen to continue to improve further.” 

How has the survey been received among indebted customers? 

“During the year, more than 720,000 people were invited to participate in the survey anonymously. More than 63,000 people responded and shared their experiences. In general, people do not expect to be asked what they think about the services of a debt collection agency. But for us, it is really important to understand how we are perceived. Only then can we improve our services and create long-term value for our customers and clients.” 

How are the results used; will customers notice a difference? 

“We have done a lot of work in recent years to improve the quality of our services and strengthen our customer relations. Our new customer survey enables us to take the next step and further develop and adapt our services. The results are available in real time to our call centres, allowing us to respond to issues immediately if necessary. Some customers may find that conversations with us have become increasingly flexible and more solutions oriented. The feedback from the survey on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. For example, it helps us to offer our agents and call centre teams coaching and soft skills training.” 

 What are the next steps; are there any further improvements to the customer survey planned? 

“We plan to roll out the survey in all countries. In some of the countries where we operate, this is taking a little longer than expected due to regulatory reasons. We are also working to expand the number of channels where we conduct the survey. We’re aiming for a broad channel strategy. But most importantly, we want to take on board all the learnings and results achieved so far and demonstrate improvements for customers and clients. Optimising customer experience is an ongoing process that demands continuous focus.” 

Intrum’s Annual and Sustainability Report 2022

This content is taken from our Annual and Sustainability Report 2022. You can read the entire report today. 

Intrum's Annual and Sustainability Report 2022
Intrum's Annual and Sustainability Report 2022