Changes in share capital, and list of repurchased shares
Transaction, total number of shares.
Summary of repurchased shares
Intrum has a history of repurchasing shares through share buyback programs. These shares have later been cancelled by reduction of share capital. In addition, repurchases of shares to Intrum’s long term incentive program are made on a regular basis.
Nasdaq share repurchase website
Link to historical repurchases
2020 share buyback program
Pursuant to the authorisation by the Annual General Meeting 2019, a share buy-back program was carried out in the company between 13 March 2020 and 15 April 2020, through which the company repurchased 9 820 402 shares.
The company previously held 600 000 shares, repurchased pursuant to authorisations from the Annual General Meetings 2018 and 2019 and relating to the company’s share based incentive programs.
The board proposed the Annual General Meeting 2020 to resolve on reduction of share capital, through cancellation of the 9 820 402 shares repurchased under the share buy-back program. The reduction of share capital was completed on June 1 2020.
Intrum Press releases
- Notification of major shareholding in own shares
- Intrum's share buyback program completed
- Background to Intrum initiating share buybacks
- Intrum launches buyback program