Rekapitaliseringstransaktion/Recapitalisation transaction 

För information om Intrums pågående rekapitaliseringstransaktion och tillgång till den svenska rekonstruktionsplanen, klicka här

For information on Intrum’s ongoing recapitalisation transaction and access to the Swedish reorganisation plan, click here


Intrum’s Capital Markets Day 2023

Intrum invited institutions, investors, analysts and financial media to the Capital Markets Day on 13 September 2023.

We are Intrum

In light of the fast-changing and challenging economic environment, the function of the credit management services industry is as important as ever. As the European market leader, Intrum stands at the forefront of this development, in a strong position to support clients and consumers impacted by soaring financial pressure.

Presentation of medium-term strategy and financial targets set to be achieved by the end of 2026

Securing a well-functioning financial ecosystem is imperative for the prosperity of the wider economy. To stay relevant in this context, Intrum is reviewing its strategic agenda and operating model. 

Below you find related materials, including the video recording and full presentation, as well as a chapter by chapter split.

Introduction: Leading the way - today and tomorrow

Speaker: Andrés Rubio, President & Chief Executive Officer


Andrés Rubio (President and CEO) elaborated on the strong underlying market trends and the strategic pillars that will drive Intrum’s efforts to deliver on the new medium-term financial targets.


Download the presentation slides for this chapter

Operations: Operational excellence

Speaker: Annette Kumlien, Chief Operating Officer

Annette Kumlien (COO) described the operations and the tech journey that Intrum is embarking on. Annette presented the means and measures that are necessary to achieve operational excellence.


Download the presentation slides for this chapter

Servicing: Profitable growth through client focus

Speaker: George Georgakopoulos, Global Head of Servicing, Managing Director Greece

Georgios Georgakopoulos (Global Head of Servicing) detailed how client focus and retention drive profitable growth. Georgios addressed how Intrum plans to do more business with more clients in a more profitable way, by providing its existing service offering across all of its markets and through product and value-chain expansion.


Download the presentation slides for this chapter

Investing: Value extraction & pivot to capital light

Speaker: Javier Aranguren, Chief Investment Officer

Javier Aranguren (CIO) explained the balance between extracting value from the existing book over the near term and building an attractive asset management business over the long term. Javier elaborated on how Intrum will leverage its leading investing platform to grasp emerging investing opportunities. 


Download the presentation slides for this chapter

Financials: Servicing growth and accelerated deleveraging

Speaker: Michael Ladurner, Chief Financial Officer

Michael Ladurner (CFO) presented the financial trajectory, assessing how strong cash generation secures de-risking and creates operational flexibility. Michael further broke down the drivers for reaching the financial targets.


Download the presentation slides for this chapter

Closing remarks: Intrum today and tomorrow

Speaker: Andrés Rubio, President & Chief Executive Officer

Download the presentation slides for this chapter

Meet our people

Our business is built on helping others. We support individuals in overcoming financial difficulties, guiding them toward financial stability. We enable companies to receive timely payments, empowering them to grow, create jobs, and thrive—ultimately benefiting the entire economy.


With a team of 10,000 dedicated employees, we make a difference every day.

We help people back in financial control

We engage with over 250,000 people in debt on a daily basis. Some may have simply forgotten to pay a bill, while others face more substantial financial challenges. Regardless of the situation, we support our clients’ customers in regaining financial control.


As the leading player in credit management, we ensure we treat all individuals ethically and with empathy and respect, setting the standard for our industry.

We support businesses to thrive

We support 80,000 small and large companies to get paid for services and goods they have sold. As a debt collection agency, we work with your customers to find an affordable repayment plan that suits their current circumstances.


We are at the forefront of credit management, which is underpinned by our sophisticated collections ethos, solutions and advanced technology to maximise results whilst ensuring we reach the right customer outcomes.

Capital Markets Day and ad hoc releases

Contact person


Anders Bengtsson

Investor Relations Manager