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Economy in Focus #9 - Household savings and investments in a new age

In the 9th edition of Economy in Focus, Intrum’s Senior Economist, Anna Zabrodzka-Averianov, explores how European household savings and investment patterns are shifting in a post-pandemic world. This report was published in April 2024.

Post-pandemic savings behaviour differs across regions

While household savings have normalized in Europe, discrepancies between countries remain stark. Western Europe boasts high savings rates, while Eastern European nations are struggling with low or negative rates.

Economic uncertainty shapes investment choices

Younger generations are increasingly favouring cash over riskier assets like equities. This shift reflects rising economic concerns and a preference for security amidst uncertainty.

Demographics drive future savings trends

Europe's ageing population is putting pressure on younger generations. The shrinking workforce could significantly impact savings behaviours and economic stability in the long term.

Anna Zabrodzka-Averianov, Senior Economist at Intrum
Anna Zabrodzka-Averianov, Senior Economist at Intrum

Comment from Intrum's Senior Economist:

"The pandemic has left lasting effects on how Europeans save and invest, particularly among younger generations, who are increasingly prioritizing security over returns"

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