Rekapitaliseringstransaktion/Recapitalisation transaction 

För information om Intrums pågående rekapitaliseringstransaktion och tillgång till den svenska rekonstruktionsplanen, klicka här

For information on Intrum’s ongoing recapitalisation transaction and access to the Swedish reorganisation plan, click here


One Hundred Magazine – a history of Intrum and debt collection

Intrum has been around for a hundred years and a lot has changed in that time. One Hundred Magazine takes a look at the history of our company and the debt collection sector, as well as Intrum’s aims and mission in today’s society.

Download One Hundred to read articles, such as…

  • 100 years of Intrum in Europe
  • A history of the company and the debt collection industry
  • Changing attitudes to debt
  • How Intrum aims to make a difference in society
  • What our clients, customers and employees have to say about us.