Rekapitaliseringstransaktion/Recapitalisation transaction 

För information om Intrums pågående rekapitaliseringstransaktion och tillgång till den svenska rekonstruktionsplanen, klicka här

For information on Intrum’s ongoing recapitalisation transaction and access to the Swedish reorganisation plan, click here



At Intrum, we depend on our people to deliver on our ambitious goals in challenging environments. The objective of our remuneration philosophy is to ensure that our employees are rewarded for valuable contributions to our Company.

Remuneration philosophy

At Intrum, we depend on our people to deliver on our ambitious goals in challenging environments. The objective of our remuneration philosophy is to reward employees for delivering work that is driving positive business results in line with or exceeding set targets. We also aim to attract, develop and retain talent in a competitive and international market by delivering competitive compensation to high performing employees. Furthermore, we aim to ensure that employees are offered a remuneration package aligned with local market conditions. Remuneration in Intrum should reflect job complexity, responsibility and performance, and it should be competitive in comparison with similar companies within similar industries in the relevant geography. To ensure that we drive the right behaviors and focus our efforts in the right areas, performance is measured against goals that are closely linked to our business strategy and core values.

The total remuneration to the Group Management Team is based upon four main components; base salary, Variable Salary Part, Long-Term Incentive Program and Pension & Insurances. In addition hereto, other benefits, such as company car, may be offered.

Guidelines for remuneration to Group Management Team

The Annual General Meeting of shareholders 2024, approved the Board of Directors’ proposal for Guidelines for remuneration to the Group Management Team.

Share-based programs

Share-based incentive programs are submitted each year for approval by shareholders at the Annual General Meeting. There are currently three outstanding share-based incentive programs, approved by the Annual General Meetings 2022, 2023, and 2024. Details of currently outstanding share-based programs can be found in Note 32 in the Annual Report.