Rekapitaliseringstransaktion/Recapitalisation transaction 

För information om Intrums pågående rekapitaliseringstransaktion och tillgång till den svenska rekonstruktionsplanen, klicka här

For information on Intrum’s ongoing recapitalisation transaction and access to the Swedish reorganisation plan, click here


Nomination Committee

The role of the Nomination Committee, among others, is to nominate directors for election at the next Annual General Meeting (AGM). The Nomination Committee’s proposals are presented in the notice to the AGM.

The Chairman of the Board is assigned to convene a Nomination Committee for the Annual General Meeting 2025, consisting of representatives of the largest shareholders of the company, based on the number of votes held by the end of August.

After contacts with the company's shareholders, the following members have been appointed:

  • Robert Furuhjelm, appointed by Cidron 1748 Sarl / Nordic Capital
  • Anders Oscarsson, appointed by AMF and AMF Fonder
  • Helen Fasth Gillstedt, appointed by Handelsbanken Fonder
  • Lennart Laurén, representing his own holdings

The tasks of the Nomination Committee and the guidelines for the appointment of its members are available here

Shareholders are welcome to submit proposals to the Nomination Committee no later than on 22 November 2024 by e-mail to

The Nomination Committee's proposals will be presented in the notice for the Annual General Meeting 2025 and on the company’s website. 

For further information, please contact:
Jens Kullander, General Counsel