Rekapitaliseringstransaktion/Recapitalisation transaction 

För information om Intrums pågående rekapitaliseringstransaktion och tillgång till den svenska rekonstruktionsplanen, klicka här

For information on Intrum’s ongoing recapitalisation transaction and access to the Swedish reorganisation plan, click here


Executive Management Team

Our Executive Management Team is dedicated to driving sustainable growth, financial wellbeing, and responsible credit management. Updated 14 March 2025.

Andrés Rubio
President & Chief Executive Officer
Andrés was appointed acting President and Chief Executive Officer on 21 August 2022 and President and Chief Executive Officer on 18 January 2023. From 2019 –2023, he was a member of the Board. Andrés Rubio was previously a Senior Partner and member of the management committee of Apollo Management International LLP, as well as Global Co-Head of Morgan Stanley Principal Investments. He has served as Chairman of Altamira Asset Management S.L., Vice Chairman of EVO Banco S.A., and Director of Avant Tarjeta EFC, S.A.L. The Company is aware that the CEO has financial interests and is the Co-Managing Partner of IMAN Capital Partners Ltd, board member of Acme Intergalactic, Inc (i.e. Blipp Billboards), and member of the Investment Committee of Quarza Inversiones. Andrés has a Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C., USA.
Born: 1968
Own holdings and/or holdings of closely affiliated persons: 747 246
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Johan Åkerblom
Chief Financial Officer
Johan Åkerblom assumed the role as CFO of Intrum in September 2024. Johan has an extensive background of holding key senior positions within the financial services industry, including CFO of SEB in Germany, CFO of SEB’s Baltic Division. Before joining Intrum, he served as CEO of Citadele Bank. He began his career at McKinsey & Co, before joining SEB in 2008. Johan holds a Master of Science in Industrial Management and Engineering from Lund Institute of Technology at Lund University.
Own holdings and/or holdings of closely affiliated persons: 67,695
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Javier Aranguren
Chief Investment Officer
Javier Aranguren assumed the role as CIO in February 2020. He joined the company in 2011, where he has performed several roles within the Investment organisation, including Group Investment Director position since 2018. Prior to that, Javier has held various leading positions within the finance sector in companies such as Capital One, GE Money, and TDX. Javier holds two Bachelor's degrees in Business Administration and Law from Pontificia Comillas University (ICADE E-3).
Own holdings and/or holdings of closely affiliated persons: 175,549
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Georgios Georgakopoulos
Global Head of Servicing, Managing Director Intrum Greece
George Georgakopoulos joined Intrum in October 2019 as Managing Director of Intrum Greece. In 2023, he took on the role of Global Head of Servicing. George has a long career in financial services, beginning at Barclays Group in London in 1995. He was, for example, CEO at Bancpost in Romania and later CEO of digital lender 4Finance. Prior to joining Intrum, he was Executive Member of the BoD at Piraeus Bank. George is a graduate of Athens Law School and holds an MBA from the University of Glasgow.
Own holdings and/or holdings of closely affiliated persons: 188,252
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Amon Ghaiumy
Head of Product Development, CEO of Ophelos Limited
Amon joined Intrum in October 2023 following Intrum’s acquisition of Ophelos, the AI technology company he co-founded in 2020. In October 2024, he became Head of Product Development, responsible for driving product strategy and AI innovation at Intrum. Prior to co-founding Ophelos, Amon worked at high-growth enterprise technology companies such as Moat (acquired by Oracle in 2017) and ASAPP. Amon holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Brown University.
Own holdings and/or holdings of closely affiliated persons: 0
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Annette Kumlien
Chief Operating Officer
Annette Kumlien assumed the role of Chief Operating Officer in May 2023. Annette has extensive experience in leading roles in listed and non-listed companies with a strong focus on business transformation. Prior to joining Intrum, she was Group Vice President and CFO of Munters. Annette has also held positions as CFO and COO of Diaverum AB, and CFO at Höganäs AB, and at Pergo AB. She has a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the Stockholm School of Economics.
Own holdings and/or holdings of closely affiliated persons: 141,902
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Azadeh Varzi
Head of Corporate Affairs
Azadeh joined Intrum as Head of Corporate Affairs in January 2025 from Brunswick Group where she was a Partner. At Brunswick she spent nearly 20 years specialising in high profile capital markets transactions, debt restructurings and corporate reputation, as well as leading Brunswick’s global restructuring practice. Azadeh began her career in investment banking structuring debt for large corporates. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in International Studies and Political Science from the University of Birmingham.
Own holdings and/or holdings of closely affiliated persons: 0
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