Rekapitaliseringstransaktion/Recapitalisation transaction 

För information om Intrums pågående rekapitaliseringstransaktion och tillgång till den svenska rekonstruktionsplanen, klicka här

For information on Intrum’s ongoing recapitalisation transaction and access to the Swedish reorganisation plan, click here


We are Intrum

We lead the way

Intrum's purpose is to lead the way to a sound economy. Our core values; Empathy, Ethics, Dedication and Solutions guide us in our daily work.


To lead the way we have extraordinary people. People who want to make a difference. People who want to see change, who have a vision and don’t mind going the extra mile to get the result. We see opportunities where others see difficulties, we see challenges where others see problems.

Intrum's culture is created by our dedicated people. It’s about give and take. Give your best and take the opportunities. It’s demanding, but also supportive. It’s involving, but also ambitious. It’s friendly, but also competitive. It’s not just about going to a job but having a meaningful career.

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